Ok I just have to confess. I have been feeling SUPER embarrassed lately because I felt like I was getting so fat! Like in my weekly pictures, I've been wearing loose-ish t-shirts and stuff because I didn't want everyone to see how chubby I was getting. I mentioned this to Jacob and he said, "Julie, you're PREGNANT!" Which was a perfectly logical and obvious this to say, but I kind of hadn't put two and two together........blame it on the baby brain? So anyway, he made me go and look at the picture of when I was 11 weeks with Jenna and I look practically the same. Which made me feel a lot better. I have NO idea why I was having such a hard time because I DEFINITELY didn't care last pregnancy. Maybe because I now know what it's like to have to lose an extra 40 pounds...yikes, don't remind me. Worth it though, totally worth it. In any case, I'm embracing the bump this week!
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Sleep: For the majority of the week I was tired as usual, but towards the end of the week I started having a lot more energy. Like...scrub the floors, clean the stovetop, whip up some muffins kind of energy. Aaaand then I totally crashed. Still, second trimester must be close!
Best moment this week: I don't know about best, but I know my worst moment was when I was CHASED by a SNAKE. Like it legitimately and intentionally CHASED me! It was small, but that didn't make it ANY less terrifying. But I think I can definitely be an official Texan now.
Miss Anything? Jacob made some REALLY tasty looking cookie dough last weekend that I wish I could've dug into! Also, I bought some amazing freshly squeezed orange juice that I was super excited about until I saw that it was unpasteurized. Booooooooo.
Movement: Not yet, but it should happen soon, right??
Food cravings: Potatoes! And tomatoes, which I don't normally like but have just sounded SO yummy this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, I feel good! I was even able to chop up some onions this week with no nausea and only a few tears :)
Have you started to show yet: See the paragraph at the top of the post. At the beginning of the week, I would've said no, but then I was reminded I was pregnant so...yes. Plus, I think I really started to pop more this week. Not in a cute way, in a fat looking way but you have to start somewhere!
Gender Prediction: Girl...I've been breaking out like crazy!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In...but the top started to pop out a little bit just today! There's little ridge on the top that isn't normally there. Maybe it will come all the way out this time!!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I wish I could say happy but I feel like I've been super moody this week! I mean, not SUPER moody...I'd say 85% of the time I'm happy, but I'll be perfectly happy one second and seriously annoyed the next. I need to rein that in next week!
Looking forward to: Getting another ultrasound this week! We're doing the genetic pre-screening...not because it will change how we handle the pregnancy in any way, but because if there is something going on then we want to be prepared and mostly because our OB said you get a really detailed sonogram! I made the appointment for Friday, which Jacob has off so he can be there AND it also happens to be his birthday. Super fun!