Tuesday, August 27, 2013

22 Weeks

...and I weigh about 1,000!

How far along? 22 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yeah, and desperately needing to expand my wardrobe.  Any other big booty Judy's out there want to hand down your maternity jeans to me?

Sleep:  Sleep has been great!
Best moment this week:  We had a really fun weekend...lots of friend time, which is always good!

Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach :) 
Movement:  Big kicks!! Jacob hasn't been able to feel them from the outside yet, though

Food cravings:  Fruit!  I had the most fantastic fruit pizza this weekend, it was total heaven
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope
Have you started to show yet:  Oh yes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?  In for now, but not for long!
Wedding rings on or off? On consistently!! Reunited and it feels so good
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy...except for one super embarrassing crying outburst in particular that shall not be named.  It was the Voldemort of all weepfests, I'll just leave it at that.
Looking forward to:  Need I say it again?  Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  School has started...today was my first official day back (I have a little permanent sub gig going) and nothing says fall semester like a nice steaming cup of PSL.  Come on, Starbucks, bring the juice.

Monday, August 19, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along?  21 weeks
Total weight gain: 15 pounds...everybody be cool, I'm on track, ok?  Plus, we got a sneak peak of Baby J on the sonogram this week and it looks like she's got quite the pair of ham hocks on her.  That must be where all the weight comes from.  She got it from her mama...
Maternity clothes? Yes and lovin' it! 

Sleep:  Lots and lots...I was exhausted this week!  Maybe I need to start taking an iron supplement?
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby J on the sonogram!  This is the second time we've gotten a good look at her on an ultrasound.  Both times she loves to keep her little hands up by her face, a lot of times with one hand on her forehead (drama queen).  I keep wondering if once she's born she'll lay the same way in her crib...can't wait to find out! 

Miss Anything?  Lunch meat!  A turkey sandwich sounds so good right now
Movement:  SO much! 

Food cravings:  Fruit, milk, and red meat!  I can't stop thinking about hamburgers. Also, do yourself a favor and walk past the peaches and nectarines in the grocery store.  They smell so good I almost passed out
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No, thankfully
Have you started to show yet:  Yes
Gender:  Good news folks, she's still a girl
Labor Signs:  No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off...more on than off though, I think 
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Ah...I have so many people to thank for the huge range of emotions I felt this week.  Thank you to the dollar store for having knock-off versions of Pinwheels, they were delicious.  Thank you to the sonogram lady for helping me see my baby girl.  I, of course, have to acknowledge the Precinct 4 Constable's office for sending me that warrant for my arrest...but mostly, I'd like to thank that officer who pulled me over last spring and made my day by telling me I wouldn't actually get a ticket and then secretly turned one in anyway.  The anger, the laughter, the tears and, dare I say it, the entire warrant...wouldn't have been possible without you.  Thanks so much for that.  Finally, I'd like the thank the schools who hired me as a substitute teacher anyway.  Your blind faith in me despite my delinquent record is touching. 
Looking forward to:  Our Fantasy Football draft this weekend!! I'm making chili, cornbread, and I'll be darned if ____________ doesn't end up on my team! [name removed to protect strategy]  Can't wait for football season to officially start!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

20 Weeks

How far along?  20 weeks...halfway there!!!! Baby J can hear sounds and even cover up her ears if it's too loud (how cute is that?!)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.  I tried to wear a pair of regular shorts this week with the rubber band trick and it was a disaster.  I ended up walking around the Riverwalk with my pants completely unbuttoned all day (thank the Lord for tunic shirts.)  I felt like one of those unfortunate size 0 Hollister-wearing girls that walk around all day like that ON PURPOSE looking like they got dressed so fast they literally didn't have time to zip their fly.  Which was great, because I've never felt like a size 0 before... 

Sleep:  Pretty well, although I got my first calf cramp one night this week.  Ow ow ow....the funny thing is I mostly slept through it and really put two-and-two together when I woke up the next morning and had an extremely sore left calf!
Best moment this week:  So many fun times with Jill, Luke & Gina...I think my favorite was when we went to Gruene Dance Hall and learned how to two-step.  FINALLY!  Now I'm officially Texan.

Miss Anything?  No I pretty much overindulged on everything this week.  There was no room for missing any pregnant-unfriendly foods because I was just trying to find extra room in my stomach for more brisket.  My life is tough, what can I say?
Movement: Ok, yes for sure.  I've been feeling them for a while, but I've been looking for "butterfly wings" for so long and ignoring all of the other things I've been feeling because no one told me they STOP feeling like butterfly wings!  They definitely feel like kicks and I can even feel as she's somersaulting around (one of her favorite pasttimes for sure)

Food cravings:  Fruit still.  And apparently Baby J can taste what I'm eating now so she is going to come out LOVING the taste of peanut butter and banana!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope! Feelin' great!
Have you started to show yet:  Yep, I've definitely popped
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting flatter by the day
Wedding rings on or off? On!!  I tried to put it on and it fit!!  I wore it for a little while, but then got nervous my fingers were going to swell up again (it's so hot) so I switched back to my fake one.  BUT it gives me hope for when it cools down!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy...a little emotional sometimes but mostly happy
Looking forward to:  Pumpkin spice lattes come out in a month!!!!  Is anyone else counting down the days?? Also, my 20 week appointment is next week, so that's always fun!  Technically that's when I'm supposed to find out the gender...can you believe that?? If we hadn't gone to that private sonogram place I STILL wouldn't know that Baby J is a girl!!!  Mind blown.